Lessons (Part 1)

Source Notebook bbearce_colab

Lesson 1 - Pets

Keyboard shortcuts:

Key function to remember: untar_data is an unzip utility

Transfer Learning

Take a pre-trained model and then further learn for your specific task. In the course we downloaded "resnet34-333f7ec4.pth", which is a re-trained model and then further train it on cats and dogs. The point of this is that this model was previously trained on "image net" which is a giant repository of general images like planes, houses, animals and other objects so that the model is already pretty good at general classification. We will then use the fact that it already knows about "animals" to further train it to detect species of pet or other more specifc things.

Key function to remember: get_image_files will get PosixPath file path-to/image-names.jpg...

Key function to remember: get_image_files will get PosixPath file path-to/image-names.jpg...

Train it

After they setup the resnet model we atually kick offf the learn step:

learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
learn.model # prints the architecture

When looking at the cycles 4 is a good start. Cycles and Epochs are the same thing. They are passes throught the data. Each pass the model gets more and more accurate. Here is an example:

epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate time
0 1.372660 0.296747 0.096076 01:33
1 0.605791 0.287795 0.092016 01:32
2 0.393741 0.237194 0.078484 01:32
3 0.277990 0.229392 0.066306 01:32

Save it

Now we want to save the model, and this means save the weights or in a classical sense, the coefficients.


Interpret it

We need to look at the loss functions, which tell you how well did you predict what you tried to. Incorrect predictions have high losses and good predictions have low losses