Docker Submission

This is a documentation for adding docker submissions to the open source project CodaLab.


Codalab comes with essentially 2 types of submissions from participants:

We will be adding a third option where participants can submit a docker image with their code and libraries baked in.

Step 1: Install Codalab

First we need a running instance installed. Setup the challenge to accept a results submission, as we will tweak this process to evaluate the output of a docker container.

Step 2: Add Database Option for Docker Submission

Add New Column in Competition Table

Find file /codalab/apps/web/ Approximately on line 233 is the Competition model definition. It has definitions for the columns of this table. It looks like this:

class Competition(ChaHubSaveMixin, models.Model):

Add enable_docker_submission as a BooleanField:

Add this line:

enable_docker_submission = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name="Allow participant docker submission")

It doesn't matter what order the columns are in, so if you are familiar with setting up models in Django or Flask projects, just add a column that we can reference later.

Migrate Database So We Can See Our Changes

Codalab as of this writing (5/1/2020) is deployed with an orchestration of docker containers. One of these is the database (postgres).

Using docker ps we can see our images:

bbearce@MedICI-CodaLab-Master:~/src$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                        NAMES
b8196a2e9fc5        nginx                                          "bash -x /app/docker…"   4 months ago        Up 2 months>80/tcp,>443/tcp                                                     nginx
528d2dc976a1        codalab-competitions_django                    "bash /app/docker/ru…"   4 months ago        Up 2 months>8000/tcp                                                                       django
c56dcc7fb3e2        codalab-competitions_worker_site               "sh /app/docker/run_…"   4 months ago        Up 2 months                                                                                                      worker_site
23996bbcfbd0        codalab/competitions-v1-compute-worker:1.1.7   "/bin/sh -c 'celery …"   4 months ago        Up 2 months                                                                                                      worker_compute
3f5a1df0f9ae        codalab-competitions_flower                    "/usr/bin/dumb-init …"   4 months ago        Up 2 months>5555/tcp                                                                       flower
b93b3f7e0a3b        codalab-competitions_rabbit                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 months ago        Up 2 months         4369/tcp, 5671/tcp,>5672/tcp, 15671/tcp, 25672/tcp,>15672/tcp   rabbit
5e3492959db1        postgres:9.6.3                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 months ago        Up 2 months         5432/tcp                                                                                     postgres

We need use from the django container to migrate the database. This will talk to the postgres container for us. Codalab has notes for how to do this so we will follow their lead:

Note, in the link from codalab they have a placeholder for APPNAME. Substitute web in for this.

root@django:/app/codalab# ./manage schemamigration web --auto
./manage: line 3: ./config/generated/ No such file or directory
./manage: line 4: ../venv/bin/activate: No such file or directory
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_extensions/db/fields/ DeprecationWarning: Django 1.8 features a native UUIDField, this UUIDField will be removed after Django 1.7 becomes unsupported.
  warnings.warn("Django 1.8 features a native UUIDField, this UUIDField will be removed after Django 1.7 becomes unsupported.", DeprecationWarning)

 + Added field enable_docker_submission on web.Competition
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate web

Once you have that migrate the database.

./manage migrate

This will apply the migration and look for all changes to all tables. Looking in the results we can see our migration in action:

Running migrations for web:
 - Migrating forwards to 0085_auto__add_field_competition_enable_docker_submission.
 > web:0085_auto__add_field_competition_enable_docker_submission

Now let's verify our change. First create a database superuser:

docker exec -it django python createsuperuser

This will prompt you to create a superuser:

bbearce@miccai2019:~/src/codalab-competitions/codalab$ docker exec -it django python createsuperuser
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_extensions/db/fields/ DeprecationWarning: Django 1.8 features a native UUIDField, this UUIDField will be removed after Django 1.7 becomes unsupported.
  warnings.warn("Django 1.8 features a native UUIDField, this UUIDField will be removed after Django 1.7 becomes unsupported.", DeprecationWarning)

Username: admin
Email address:
Password (again): 
Superuser created successfully.

Now proceed to http://<your domain>.com/admin and log in with the credentials you made. Find the "Web" app section and click "Competitions".


Next scroll till you see "Allow participant docker submission" or whatever you put as your new column.


Add Our new Option to the CompetitionForm Class

Django or CodaLab uses apps.web.forms.CompetitionForm to manage the edit competiton form.

class CompetitionForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Competition
        fields = (
            # change start
            # change end

This will allow us to see this option in the edit competition view:


This has the effect of allowing access to this option from multiple views so we can conditionally render a docker submission form or a regular result submission form.

Step 3: Add Conditional Rendering for Docker\Result Submission

Add UI Elements

Find template apps/web/templates/web/competitions/_submit_results_page.html. Roughly on line 70 there is a {% if USE_AWS %} block and in the {% else %} block we can add our code.

Replace the inside of the else block with this code:

{% if phase.competition.enable_docker_submission %}

<!-- Submit Docker Button -->

<button id=submit-button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#submit-docker-dialog" class="btn btn-secondary">Submit Docker</button>

<!-- Submit Docker Button -->

{% else %}

<!-- original code from codalab -->

<button id="fileUploadButton"
        class="button btn btn-primary {% if not phase.reference_data %}disabled{% endif %}"
        {% if not phase.reference_data %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %}>

<!-- original code from codalab -->
{% endif %}

Our If Else block has the original code in the else.

At this point if you refresh the page and navigate to the "Participate" tab, you should see this.


Now if we go to "Edit" and look at the competition options, we see that if we check the box "Allow participant docker submission" we can see the text change on the "Participate" tab.


Next we need the "Submit Docker" button to do something. Let's add a modal that get's triggered when you click the button.

Add this code just before the line that has {% include "web/common/_submission_details_template.html" %} on line ~167:

<div class="modal fade" id="submit-docker-dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog">

        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
                <h4 class="modal-title">Submit Docker</h4>
            <div class="modal-body">
                <h4>Submit Docker Run Command</h4>

                <textarea id="docker-run-command" type=text style="width: 500px; height: 250px;">docker run -v /<local-path>:/<docker-container-path-1> -v /<local-path>:/<docker-container-path-2> user/repo:tag</textarea>

            <div class="modal-footer">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

                 <button id="submit-docker" class="btn btn-primary">Send</button>    

You should see this when you click the "Submit Docker" button:


Now let's tie the "Send" button from the modal to some javascript so we can call the backend to process this for us. At the bottom of the same file we've been working in, add this code and create the file apps/web/static/js/submit_docker.js:

<!-- Docker Submission Front End -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}js/submit_docker.js"></script>

<!-- Docker Submission Front End -->

In submit_docker.js add this:


  //copy from codalab/apps/web/static/js/Competition.js file

  $('#details').html('Creating new submission...');

  var competitionId = $("#competitionId").val()
  var description = $('#submission_description_textarea').val() || '';
  var method_name = $('#submission_method_name').val() || '';
  var method_description = $('#submission_method_description').val() || '';
  var project_url = $('#submission_project_url').val() || '';
  var publication_url = $('#submission_publication_url').val() || '';
  var bibtex = $('#submission_bibtex').val() || '';
  var team_name = $('#submission_team_name').val() || '';
  var organization_or_affiliation = $('#submission_organization_or_affiliation').val() || '';
  var phase_id = $('#submission_phase_id').val();

  // capture docker run command
  var docker_run_cmd = $('#docker-run-command').val();
  // capture docker run command


  // console.log('/api/competition/' + competitionId + '/submission?description=' + encodeURIComponent(description) +
  //                     '&method_name=' + encodeURIComponent(method_name) +
  //                     '&method_description=' + encodeURIComponent(method_description) +
  //                     '&project_url=' + encodeURIComponent(project_url) +
  //                     '&publication_url=' + encodeURIComponent(publication_url) +
  //                     '&bibtex=' + encodeURIComponent(bibtex) +
  //                     '&team_name=' + encodeURIComponent(team_name) +
  //                     '&organization_or_affiliation=' + encodeURIComponent(organization_or_affiliation) +
  //                     '&phase_id=' + encodeURIComponent(phase_id)+
  //                     '&docker-run-command='+ encodeURIComponent(docker_run_cmd)
  //             )

      url: '/api/competition/' + competitionId + '/submission?description=' + encodeURIComponent(description) +
                      '&method_name=' + encodeURIComponent(method_name) +
                      '&method_description=' + encodeURIComponent(method_description) +
                      '&project_url=' + encodeURIComponent(project_url) +
                      '&publication_url=' + encodeURIComponent(publication_url) +
                      '&bibtex=' + encodeURIComponent(bibtex) +
                      '&team_name=' + encodeURIComponent(team_name) +
                      '&organization_or_affiliation=' + encodeURIComponent(organization_or_affiliation) +
                      '&phase_id=' + encodeURIComponent(phase_id)+
                      '&docker-run-command='+ encodeURIComponent(docker_run_cmd),
      type: 'post',
      cache: false,
      async: false,
      data: {
          'id': 'trackingid',
          'name': '',
          'type': '',
          'size': ''
  }).done(function(response) { 
      $('#user_results tr.noData').remove();
      $('#user_results #' + + ' .glyphicon-plus').on('click', function() { Competition.showOrHideSubmissionDetails(this) });
      //$('#fileUploadButton').text("Submit Results...");
      $('#user_results #' + + ' .glyphicon-plus').click();
  }).fail(function(jqXHR) {
      var msg = 'An unexpected error occurred.';
      if (jqXHR.status == 403) {
          msg = jqXHR.responseJSON.detail;
      //$('#fileUploadButton').text("Submit Results...");



From looking at the ajax call you can see we are hitting the route for an api that ultimately triggers a POST request in view "CompetitionSubmissionViewSet" under the api app. The part we need to edit is the post_save() method.

Step 4: Edit Site-Worker Code

Replace the post_save() with this:

def post_save(self, obj, created):
    # Original Code
    #if created:
    #    evaluate_submission.apply_async((, obj.phase.is_scoring_only))

    if escape(self.request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('docker-run-command')) == 'None':
        # submit_docker_command = None
        submit_docker_command = "this is not a docker submission"

        submit_docker_command = escape(self.request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('docker-run-command', "")).replace('&lt;','<').replace('&gt;','>')

    ## - pass extra info to submission
    if created:
    ## - pass extra info to submission

At the bottom of post_save() is evaluate_submission. That is from apps/web/ We are passing the submit_docker_command to evaluate submission. Change evaluate_submission to accept the submit_docker_command. Also edit it to pass the command to task_func()

Add submit_docker_command to these two sections:

def evaluate_submission(submission_id, is_scoring_only, submit_docker_command):


task_func(submission, job_id, submit_docker_command)

task_func is actually a user defined variable for score, a function in the same file above evaluate_submission. Add submit_docker_command to the input of score.

def score(submission, job_id, submit_docker_command):

Towards the bottom of score, _prepare_compute_worker_run needs submit_docker_command. Pass it in, and subsequently add it to it's function definition at towards the top of the page:

_prepare_compute_worker_run(job_id, submission, submit_docker_command, is_prediction=False)


def _prepare_compute_worker_run(job_id, submission, submit_docker_command, is_prediction):

Inside this function you will find a data variable we need to add the docker command to:

    data = {
        "id": job_id,
        "task_type": "run",
        "task_args": {
            "docker_image": docker_image,
            "ingestion_program_docker_image": docker_image,
            "bundle_url": _make_url_sassy(bundle_url),
            "stdout_url": _make_url_sassy(stdout, permission='w'),
            "stderr_url": _make_url_sassy(stderr, permission='w'),
            "output_url": _make_url_sassy(output, permission='w'),
            "ingestion_program_output_url": _make_url_sassy(, permission='w'),
            "ingestion_program_stderr_url": _make_url_sassy(, permission='w'),
            "detailed_results_url": _make_url_sassy(, permission='w'),
            "private_output_url": _make_url_sassy(, permission='w'),
            "secret": submission.secret,
            "execution_time_limit": submission.phase.execution_time_limit,
            "predict": is_prediction,
            'submit_docker_command':submit_docker_command, ## - Added submit_docker_command here

At this point the code hands off the data to the Compute-Worker with compute_worker_run(data, soft_time_limit=time_limit, priority=2).

Step 5: The Compute-Worker

We need to enter the compute-worker docker container and edit "". On the machine where the compute-worker is running execute:

$ docker exec -it codalab/competitions-v1-compute-worker:latest

...or use the compute image that you need.

Once inside you should be able to see "". Open it. Find function run(task_id, task_args). This is where we will add our code on approx line 500.

Add this:

if task_args['submit_docker_command'] != 'this is not a docker submission':
    print('@CUSTOM DOCKER START@')
    participant_docker_cmd = task_args['submit_docker_command'].format(input_dir+"/res")"Invoking program %s", participant_docker_cmd)
    participant_docker_process = Popen(participant_docker_cmd.split(" "))
    participant_docker_process.wait() # This halts other actions till this run isfinished.
    print('@CUSTOM DOCKER END@')

This is the important line:

participant_docker_cmd = task_args['submit_docker_command'].format(input_dir+"/res")

This line substitutes the results directory into a mount placeholder so that the container can put the results from the run into it. Then the compute-worker can consume the results.

Update (7/17/2020):

Docker Image Submission only and resulting handling:

                participant_docker_submission_cmd = [
                    # Ask all participants to add this user
                    # Cut internet
                    # Remove it after run
                    # Add support for GPUs and nvidia
                    # Give it a name associated to task_id
                    # Try the new timeout feature
                    # Don't allow subprocesses to raise privileges
                    # Set the right volume
                    '-v', '{0}:/mnt/in:ro'.format('/home/bbearce/Documents/docker_submissions/directory_of_files'), # :ro for read-only file system
                    '-v', '{0}:/mnt/out'.format(input_dir+"/res"),
                    # Set aside 512m memory for the host
                    #'--memory', '{}MB'.format(available_memory_mib - 512),
                    # Don't buffer python output, so we don't lose any
                    #'-e', 'PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1',
                    # Set current working directory
                    #'-w', run_dir,
                    # Note that hidden data dir is excluded here!
                    # Set the right image

                if task_args['submit_docker_command'] != 'this is not a docker submission':
                  print('@CUSTOM DOCKER START@')
        "Invoking participant docker submission: %s", participant_docker_submission_cmd)
                  participant_docker_process = Popen(participant_docker_submission_cmd)
                  participant_docker_process.wait() # This halts other actions till this run isfinished.
                  print('@CUSTOM DOCKER END@')

Below I will discuss some of the important options...

Note, we need to mount two folders (datain:/mnt/in, dataout:/mnt/out). We don't need to change anything about datain because we can use :ro to make it read-only inside the docker container like so /mnt/in:ro. This keeps users from tampering with input data. dataout needs to be owned by user "participant". We do this like so...

$ chown participant:participant <path to>/dataout

and make it writable as well:

$ chmod 0777 <path to>/dataout

If participant is the user that will be using these mounts then we need the container to run as participant. Notice we run the docker with -u participant, but how do we get that user in the docker ahead of time.

In the Dockerfile for a submission add this to the top:

ARG USER=participant
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000
# default password for user
ARG PW=participant
# Option1: Using unencrypted password/ specifying password
RUN useradd -m ${USER} --uid=${UID} && echo "${USER}:${PW}" | \

This should add user participant with password participant.

Finally we need to make sure the container has no internet. We add flag --net none to cut internet to the docker rendering it unable to transfer data.

Lastly if this is an nvidia compute worker codalab/competitions-v1-nvidia-worker:latest then we have a few extra things ot take care of. On lines 274-275 there are two variables that don't exist being referenced.

    max_execution_time_limit = task_args['max_execution_time_limit']
    previous_execution_time = task_args['previous_execution_time']


    #max_execution_time_limit = task_args['max_execution_time_limit'] # -BB-
    #previous_execution_time = task_args['previous_execution_time'] # -BB- 

and at the bottom of the file (~ line 700):

signal.alarm(int(math.fabs(math.ceil(max_execution_time_limit - time_difference - previous_execution_time)))) # Total Execution


#signal.alarm(int(math.fabs(math.ceil(max_execution_time_limit - time_difference - previous_execution_time)))) # Total Execution -BB-